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Beacon Hospital Extension

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This development will comprise of the demolition of the existing 8 storey Beacon Hotel (now closed) from ground level (Level+01) and its replacement with a new 8 storey extension to Beacon Hospital in approximately the same footprint. The new development with be built up against the gable of Beacon Hospital and connect to the hospital at levels +3 to +8. The new development will also be built up against the gable of Beacon One apartments. 5 no meeting rooms in the hotel will be converted to 4 new apartments and will form part of the apartment complex, separate and not connected to the hospital. DLRCC decided to grant Planning Permission in 2022. The proposed ground floor (Level +01) will house a new accident and emergency department. The proposal absorbs the area of a covered terrace at ground level facing the internal courtyard which served the hotel, to form emergency department facilities.

The proposal replaces an existing 8 storey building with a new proposed 8 storey building on generally the same footprint, albeit with higher floor slab to floor slab heights to accommodate hospital services. Building plant will be located on the roof in plant rooms and behind louvred screening. The architects were very aware that the new building would form the corner piece on the junction of Blackthorn Drive and the Drummartin Link Road. They saw an opportunity here to highlight the corner with a striking tower feature, that would act as a marker announcing the entrance to the Sandyford Business District.

Beacon Medical Group

Sandyford, Dublin

Hospital Extension
T +353 1 703 7800


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Site Development: Orpen Design Solutions Ltd